Solar panels on house in Ireland overlooking the sea

Solar Grants for businesses

Businesses and other non-domestic solar grants. Find out about incentives for businesses (including farms), commercial solar, schools, public sector bodies, community centres, and other non-profit organisations

The Non-Domestic Microgen Grant: A brief overview

Who this grant is for

The SEAI (the governmental body responsible for promoting solar in Ireland) provide a grant called the Non-Domestic Microgen Grant. This is the main solar grant that's a catch-all for most solar installations that would not fit into the domestic solar grant category.

This grant covers most non-domestic solar installations, including:

  • Businesses & commercial buildings

  • Farms*

  • Public sector bodies

  • Schools

  • Community centres

  • Non-profit societies

*Please note farms / agricultural businesses have alternative grant options, like the TAMS 3: Solar Capital Investment Scheme, which gives larger amounts. More about Solar PV for farms.

See full eligibility criteria here.

What size systems are eligible

Anything from 1 kWp to 1,000kWp. That would be approximately 3 to 2300 panels

That limit was increased in July 2023, it used to be limited before to just 6kWp. The grant also now includes more non-domestic industries and enterprises than before.

How much is the grant worth?

The grant amount available depends on the system size that's installed, based on the solar panel system's peak power output (in kW / kWp). There are lots of different "bands" depending on the size of system you go for.

You can use our business solar panel grant calculator below, or see the full list of rules for grant amounts here.

  • 4kWp system would get €2,400 of grant support (small house size building)
  • 8kWp system would get €3,000 of grant support (large house size building)
  • 15kWp system would get €5,100 of grant support
  • 50kWp system would get €12,600 of grant support
  • 1,000kWp system gets the max €162,600 of grant support – anything larger is not eligible for any grant support

Add-ons that are installed, such as immersion diverters and batteries, do not affect the grant amount.

Once the work is finished and documentation has been uploaded to the SEAI portal, the grant is sent to the applicant as a one-time payment.

Business solar panel production & grant calculator

We've prefilled this with a 50-panel (22 kWp) array to get you started (which would cover 105.8 m²). We've also popped in all the other standard numbers for commercial solar in Ireland.

The grant value only depending on the number & power of the panels. If you'd just like the NDMG scheme grant just adjust the panel value and it will tell you how much the SEAI would contribute towards your solar panels.

Adjust any figures you like and see the outputs adjust automatically.

1. Your Panels
Total solar array kWp:
NDMG Scheme Grant Value:
2. Your roof / ground area

The below are standard panel values, but feel free to play around if you are looking for something specific.

If you are going for ground mounting / flat roof mounting, then the mounting equipment normally angles the panels towards the sun. About 37° gets the most annual generation here in Ireland.

3. Location
Use the Solar Calculator to update these totals

Your figures:

NDMG Scheme Grant Value:
Panel array area:
Total solar array kWp:
Annual units generated:
Annual CO2 emissions saved:

Simplified for ease

A quick disclaimer - we have purposely made this very simple & basic to give you fast ballpark numbers for electricity production & CO2 saved. The tools we use ourselves when we are producing solar quotes are much more complicated and take many more factors into account. For example, we've not worried about shading, inverter losses and many other factors.

That said this tool should give you a reasonable indication of if solar might be worth considering for your business. It does take the major factors of things like the roof slope, panel orientation, which county you are in (including local weather patterns) and alike when calculating the likely electricity generation from pv solar panels.

If solar seems in the right ballpark for your company, and you'd like a more accurate calculations, just get in touch and we'd be more than happy to do far more detailed calculations for you to give you a more accurate idea of what's possible.

Energy Efficiency Loan Scheme

The Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland (SBCI) has launched the €150m Energy Efficiency Loan Scheme to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) reduce their energy costs and carbon emissions. This finance scheme offers loans for SMEs planning to invest in solar panels, heat pumps, LED lighting, and other energy-saving technology.

Businesses using the new Energy Efficiency Loan Scheme will benefit from easier access and reduced interest rates. Fixed rates of 4.79% are currently available on loans ranging from €10,000 to €150,000, over terms of up to 10-years. There are no personal guarantees required, either.

More about the Energy Efficiency Loan Scheme

Who's eligible for the NDMG grant?

This grant is available for solar panel installations for:
  • Businesses & Commercial Buildings
  • Farms / the agricultural sector
  • Public sector bodies
  • Schools
  • Community centres
  • Non-profit organisations
The following criteria must also be met:
  • The building must have been built and occupied before December 31, 2020. (usually determined by the date the electricity supply)
  • The NDMG grant must not have already been claimed at this property
  • Use an SEAI Non-Domestic Microgen registered company (we are a registered company)
  • The installation must use newly fitted equipment, and meet the SEAI's required standards.

You can find the full terms and conditions on the SEAI's Non-Domestic Microgen Scheme page here .

How much is the grant worth?

This depends on the size of the system that's installed, and is measured by the peak generation capacity of your solar PV system.

How the grant amount is calculated:
  • €900 per kWp for the first 2kWp
  • €300 for every additional kWp up to 4kWp
  • €2,400 total for systems 4kWp – 6kWp
  • €300 for every additional kWp from 7kWp – 20kWp
  • €200 for every additional kWp from 21kWp – 200kWp
  • €150 for every additional kWp from 201kWp – 1,000kWp
  • Total Non-Domestic solar PV grant capped at €162,600, which you get at 1000kWp
  • 4kWp system would get €2,400 of grant support (small house size building)
  • 8kWp system would get €3,000 of grant support (large house size building)
  • 15kWp system would get €5,100 of grant support
  • 50kWp system would get €12,600 of grant support
  • 1,000kWp system gets the max €162,600 of grant support – anything larger is not eligible for any grant support

If the cost of the installation is below the grant value available at that size, only the actual expenditure will be reimbursed.

What costs are covered under the solar PV grant?

The grant covers the labour and equipment costs associated with installing your solar PV system.

What about batteries / immersion diverters etc?

The grant amount you receive only dependends on the size in kWp of your solar PV system. There is no additional grant available for extras such as batteries or immersion diverters.

How do I find out what sized system would be most appropriate for my needs?

The best way to find a PV system that will suit your needs is to get in touch, - we'll gladly provide you with a free custom quote. This also includes an on-site assessment. One of our team of engineers will come out to your property to ensure we've taken everything into consideration.

To better advise you on a system, we examine your energy costs, the times you use energy, and any energy needs specific to your business. We'll also carefully examine your building, the roof, and the surrounding area. Using our specialist design software, we aim to maximise your energy yield, and create the ideal solution for you and your business.

We don't have any salespeople on our team. Our technical engineers are there to help advise you first and foremost. We'll help you decide on the best solar PV system to suit your needs, and then quote for your solar PV system. If you decide not to go with us in the end that's fine too. Ultimately, we'll be happy knowing you have been advised correctly and are doing your bit for the planet.

Can I get a solar PV system larger than 1,000kWp?

Yes, but you would not be eligible for the grant. Guidelines from the SEAI (the governmental body responsible for promoting solar in Ireland) state that only systems up to 1,000kWp are eligible for grant funding – anything above that is not eligible for any grant payment.

Does the grant only cover roof-mounted solar PV panels?

Ground mount, and car port mounted systems are also eligible for grant support - as long as they adhere to the PV solar scheme criteria.

Do I need planning permission to install solar panels to get grant approval?

SEAI grant approval is not tied to planning permission. Depending on your property and where it's located, local planning rules may apply.

What are the planning permission rules for business premises & commercial solar panel systems?

Installing solar panels on non-residential buildings is usually exempt from planning permission. This is because of rules in the Planning and Development Regulations, which were updated in 2022 to allow bigger systems and more types of buildings.

There are certain conditions that have to be met in order to be exempt from planning, which can be read in full in the SEAI's NDMG application guide . If you're not sure about your specific building type, you can ask your local planning office for help. Just remember, the information on our website (and the information provided by the SEAI) is for guidance only.

Our engineers will be more than happy to advise on specific planning permission requirements.

Solar safeguarding zones

If your property is in a solar safeguarding zone, you may have to seek planning permission. Solar safeguarding zones are necessary to address aviation safety concerns due to the potential impact of glint and glare arising from increased solar developments in proximity to sites such as airports and hospitals which have helipads.

The most up-to-date info on solar safeguarding zones can be found here

How do I apply for a solar PV grant?

1. Choose your installer

Before applying for the grant, you should have an agreement in place with an SEAI approved solar installer (like us!). Whichever installer you use must be registered with the SEAI - otherwise, you will not be eligible for the grant.

2. Apply via the SEAI application portal

Your application can be made on the SEAI website for solar electricity grant . This is a straightforward process, and we're available to help if you have any questions. Approval is usually very quick - most people hear back from the SEAI on the same day. Please note you must have approval before works can commence - otherwise you won't be eligible for grant payment.

3. Get your panels installed

Next, your solar panels are installed and commissioned. (just a fancy term to say tested and officially turned on)

4. We complete your paperwork

Once your system is up and running, your paperwork is submitted to the SEAI. This is to confirm to the SEAI that your system was fitted by an SEAI registered solar installer, and is now up and running.

5. Receive your grant payment

Usually it takes the SEAI around 6 weeks from receiving the paperwork until the money is in your account.

What information do I need to apply?

1. MPRN - the Meter Point Reference Number. This number appears on your electricity bill and is 11 digits long. The address associated with the MPRN will be the contact address used by SEAI for all postal correspondence. You should ensure that the details registered with ESB networks for this MPRN are correct and accurate.

2. The year in which your property was built and occupied (must be on or before the 31st of December 2020).

3. Your selected registered PV solar installation company

4. Details of the system to be installed

5. Your contact email address

6. A Tax Clearance Certificate (in some circumstances). If you've received any grants, subsidies or similar payments from a government department or public authority in excess of €10,000 during a calendar year, you will also need to provide a Tax Clearance Certificate.

Applications must be submitted by individuals and not by solar companies or contractors. However, we understand how intimidating and complicated these things can seem, so our friendly and helpful team will be there to support you through the process.

Can PureVolt Solar help me with the SEAI grant application?

Of course. Thankfully, it is quite straightforward, but if you've any questions along the way just ask and we'll be glad to help.

What happens once the grant is approved?

Soon after you submit your application, you'll receive an email with the SEAI's response. If approved, you must ensure to accept the grant offer and the attaching terms and conditions.

After this, you have 8 months to complete the works and submit the all required documentation to the SEAI.

Part of the process is to also apply to the ESB to connect the solar PV system to the grid. Your solar installation company will take care of this, and it has to happen before installing the solar PV system. Depending on the size of the system, this process can take between 1 - 3 months.

Once this is complete, your installation company can begin your installation.

Can I change my mind on what system I am installing after grant approval?

No. The grant, once approved, is only payable in respect of the type of system and works that were laid out in your application and referenced in the grant offer.

Can I begin my installation while waiting for my grant to be approved?

No. Grant approval from SEAI must be in place before any any work starts. If work has begun before grant approval, the whole installation may be deemed ineligible for payment.

Will I receive the grant before installing my solar PV system?

No. The SEAI only releases grant payment once all paperwork has been received, and payment has been made to the installation company.

How long does it take for the payment to come through?

When all grant paperwork has been submitted online, it takes around 6 weeks for to process your claim and make the payment. In some cases the SEAI will conduct an inspection to verify the installation matches the grant claim. When this happens, the payment can take a little longer.

How will the grant payment be made?

Payments are only made by electronic fund transfer (EFT) into the bank account nominated by the applicant.

What happens once the solar panel installation is complete?

We'll take care of everything once the solar panel installation has been complete. A post-works BER is not required for non-domestic installations, so once the work is finished, that's it from your end!

There is some paperwork that needs to be done for the SEAI - a 'Declaration of Works' form and 'Inspection & Testing Report'. These describe the works completed, and ensure that we have all the necessary information and documentation to support the grant payment processing. We will submit all of this online for you - usually all that's required is a signature from the applicant.

Other information on grants

All installations may be subject to inspections by SEAI to verify that they match the grant claim, meet the scheme's requirements, or for quality purposes. Properties may be selected by a random sampling process, or chosen for specific reasons. The SEAI will notify applicants before such inspections. Where selected, applicants are required to grant access to their property for inspection within a specified period, failure of which may lead to grant refusal or grant clawback. Applicants must give access to their property for inspection within 14 days of the initial request — unless agreed otherwise.

The applicant may be requested to participate in follow-up research as may be commissioned by SEAI to establish the scheme's impacts and achievements. This will also include acquiring information and data for the development of case studies for wider dissemination (protecting as appropriate all personal data, confidential or commercially sensitive information).

The solar PV system, battery energy storage system and meter point data may be used by SEAI or its agents to assess the impact of micro-generation on the local electricity system and the development of future methods. SEAI may assess this data directly or share aggregated data with third parties for analysis purposes.

If you have any unanswered questions about solar panel installation and you would like to find out more, please visit our page on commonly asked questions

Further Reading

You can also find out more on the SEAI's website Solar Grants for Businesses & Commercial Buildings, Public Sector and Non-Profit .

The Citizen's Information website also has a good page about supports for businesses going green , which covers the solar grants as well as other supports available for businesses.

Get a quote to see what going solar could save you. It's quick, easy, and free.

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K HudsFebruary 2025 problem recommending PurevoltI got Purevolt to Install my new PV Solar system. They were very competitively priced and were also able to undertake the work very quickly. I also found their site assessor very knowledgeable, which meant there were no surprises when the install crew turned up to complete their work. The install took an extra day or so to complete but they were very up front about it and kept me in the loop. So overall I was very happy with the install and service and would have no problem recommending Purevolt.
Reviewed on Google
Sally HughesJanuary 2025
...a great company to deal withPure Volt are a great company to deal with in every respect. Their product is great, their price is great, their staff are very professional & helpful, ( and if any of them are not, the company deals with the issue) Their after installation service is second to none. They are very easy to contact by phone, and if you don't get them on first call, they'll get back to you ASAP. They are a very conscientious company who believe in providing a good product coupled with good service all around. They know the value of keeping their customers happy! Well done Pure Volt GC
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Maurice IveaghJanuary 2025
5 stars all roundCouldn't rate PureVolt high enough For the initial contact with Gonzalo in the office and the on-site assessment with Ian, everything ran like clockwork with no pressure to sign a contract. Instillation just took two days and the professional instillation was flawless neat and tidy. PureVolt take care of everything from start to finish including BER assessment. They also have a great website packed with all the information you'll ever need. 5 stars all round
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Diego CeroniDecember 2024
...their customer interaction is excellentWe had an excellent experience up to now. Their offer was very competitive. The installation went very well and their customer interaction is excellent. We are waiting to have the application approved and receive the grant. So far we did not experience any problem, so we cannot evaluate the ability and promptness to deal with any issues which may rise in the future. However, so far so good.
Reviewed on Google
Mike SheehyDecember 2024
...a pleasure to deal withA Great Team. From initial inquiry to finalising the grant documentation, the PureVolt team, to a person, were a pleasure to deal with. The pre-sales process was friendly and the solutions presented were easy to understand. The install was extremely professional and thorough with a very courteous team. I would highly recommend the PureVolt team if you are considering a Solar PV install.
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iarla walshNovember 2024
Professional serviceQuick and seamless install. Professional service with all questions answered. We have the solar system installed a few months now and noticing the savings - thanks
Reviewed on Google
Stephen HarrisNovember 2024
Extremely professional, personable, and know their stuff!Fantastic company to deal with! Extremely professional, personable, and know their stuff! From office to installers, everyone was great to deal with - thank you!
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CharlesNovember 2024
Neat, clean, friendly and professional...Probably the most professional (and friendly) Solar team on the market. Last year I got several quotes and as an engineer I can tell you that the blagging and BS from most of the suppliers was epic. However PureVolt stand out as an example to all others to what a Solar Energy company should be. The first experience was a desktop survey and in depth evaluation on the best system I could have. This then became a site survey and they took great care to ensure I understood the options. The price was fair. I was skeptical about their estimated annual generation so i waited before I would review. The estimate was surprisingly accurate and by February I reckon I will exceed the estimate of 5.2MW by a few hundred kilowatts. They also handled all the paperwork and grant application. I can't tell you how happy i am with PureVolt and have no hesitation recommending them and their team. Special thanks to Daniel, Kelly, Gonzalo (for his patience) and the Installation team. Neat, clean, friendly and professional to the last person.
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Liam mac mahonOctober 2024
Excellent service2024 Excellent service and response to queries from knowledgable in house team and install team did an excellent job on site and were very courteous. Would have no hesitation in recommending this company.
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Gjorgis JanakopulosOctober 2024
One great team from first to last personOne great team from first to last person we engaged with. Overall everything was super fast, from first contact to installed solar pannels in just under 2 weeks. The work has been carried out at highest level, same with support with Seai grant. It was a superb and very pleasant experience for us.
Reviewed on Google
Jim BrennanSeptember 2024
I'm delighted with the systemIt took just 2 1/2 days for the PureVolt team to install the 18-panel system in my new-build A rated home. I'm delighted with the system and the savings generated. The level of post-installation support is also excellent
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stephen croughanSeptember 2024
Highly recommendFollowed the recommendation of a friend to use these guys and was 100% the right decision. Very professional and delighted with everything they did for us. Highly recommend
Reviewed on Google
Gary EganSeptember 2024
Excellent communicationGreat job installing panels and top quality workmanship, good price. Excellent communication on installation. Thanks to Daniel for a follow up on linking my car charger to solar, went out of his way to solve the issue, really appreciate that. Notice a big reduction on electricity day units charged on bills so far in early stages.
Reviewed on Google
Rob ClearySeptember 2024
Pride in their workVery good. 'Pride in their work.' Throughout: from Electricians, to panel-installers to back-end team: PureVolt are a joy to deal with. Very nice and tidy install. Listened to our wishes and carried them out. Great on-site team, very comfortable with them in the house. They are nice people. Super helpful in the office handling after-install queries, payments, grants etc. Clear communicators. All very straight-forward. They are interested in doing a good job and making sure you have a working system. [The only thing I would suggest to improve is to have tutorials on 'how to work the different devices after the install', but they take queries on this after the install very well.]
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Guillaume JanssenSeptember 2024
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Oliver GroganSeptember 2024
I was in good hands with PureVoltI sensed from the beginning that I was in good hands with PureVolt. Their advice and proposals were completely realistic and I was not pressed to take on anything that went beyond our needs. Throughout the installation they were at all times extremely helpful and flexible. They also took the heavy lifting off my hands with the grant process. I would have no hesitation in recommending them.
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Sinéad O'ReillySeptember 2024
...such a great experienceI had such a great experience with PureVolt from beginning to end! From my initial contact with the company and Gonzalo who provided information and a draft spec without any obligation to sign up. The site visit with Ian was arranged quiclky and again no pressure to sign with the company. Once I was happy with the proposal and decided to go ahead with the system it was all made very easy. The guidance given applying for the grant from SEAI and paying the deposit couldn't have been easier. Installation only took two days and the team were very efficient and tidy! Very happy with their work the system. The BER assessment required for the grant was included in the cost and arranged for by Sinéad, I just had to pick a date. Couldn't have been simpler. Everything was taken care of by the team at PureVolt with absolutely no fuss and it's some of the easiest work I've ever had done on the house. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend PureVolt to anyone looking to get solar panels installed.
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Seán, RoscommonAugust 2024
I have already recommended PureVolt to friendsI would give a 5 star review and note that I was impressed with the comprehensive information, clear communications, crisp operations and response, and all-round professionalism on all sides—from office team to roofers to electricians. I have already recommended PureVolt to friends and wish more companies operated in a like manner. Many thanks again
Reviewed via Direct Message
John LawlorJuly 2024
PureVolt is an excellent companyFrom the initial online enquiry to the installation team completing my solar installation, my experience of dealing with PureVolt has been entirely positive. Kelly handled all administration very efficiently and kept me informed of all key stages of the work, including providing all documentation, certificates, warranties and BER after the work. The installation began as planned on the agreed day and took two days, with a third to complete some final commissioning. Ian developed an excellent design for my property that enabled me to maximise generation to meet my needs. The team completed the work in a very professional manner to the highest standard. The installation has far exceeded my expectations, and I am already reaping the benefits of ample generation and financial savings. PureVolt is an excellent company, and I am happy to recommend them
Reviewed on Google
Rob DalyJuly 2024
...excellent from start to finishThe service and experience from the PureVolt team has been excellent from start to finish. All members of team from Gonzalo, Ian, Kelly and the lads doing the install were excellent. Delighted with the outcome.
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Anjukan KathirgamanathanJuly 2024
Highly recommend the PureVolt teamHighly recommend the PureVolt team. They all were very professional, helpful and communicated clearly and promptly. Wish all contractors were to the same standard as PureVolt. Thank you to the team, keep it up!
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Gaurav BansalJuly 2024
...exactly what I requested forExcellent service, very neat and clean. Kept me speed throughout the process. answered all the questions. The install was exactly what I requested for. Would recommend
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John and Terry StoreyJune 2024
We would highly recommend PureVoltWe have found all staff extremely friendly, helpful, knowledgeable and efficient. They carried out their work quickly with minimum of disruption. We would highly recommend PureVolt to anyone interested in installing Solar energy. Regards John and Terry Storey
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Pat MonahanJune 2024
Overall, great experience with PureVolt I had an overall great experience with PureVolt Solar in relation to a recent install of a PV system. From the initial consultation and site visit, to install and operation of the system, the entire team was efficient and excellent. Once install was completed the team also took care of all relevant forms required for the grant and NC6 making the whole process a simple, straight forward, hassle free experience.
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Borja Blanco IglesiasJune 2024
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Nathy O'ConnellMay 2024
Top class service from start to finish!Top class service from start to finish! 10.5kwh Peak Array, 5.2kwh Sungrow Hybrid inverter, 19.2 Kwh Battery Storage on DC side. The pure volt team had amazing communication from the consultation design stage , to the install team who were very professional and courteous when on site . The installation was very tidy and looked like people who took pride in their work . Would recommend to anyone.
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Declan RocheMay 2024
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Graeme PartridgeMay 2024
Professional, friendly and knowledgable teamSystem installed April 2024. Professional, friendly and knowledgable team. I have no problems recommending PueVolt Solar.
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Shane EganMay 2024
Competitive with no hidden extrasThis is a very simple review - if you need to find out some useful info about the benefits and return on investment details of solar you won't find a better website than From our own personal experience of then choosing them for our install it was entirely positive - We got 3 quotes and there's was the most competitive with no hidden extras. It was a tricky enough set up over two locations which was handled efficiently and on time over two days with no mess and no fuss. From the design guys to the installers/electricians and the background office staff everyone was a pleasure to deal with and they really know their stuff. We would have no hesitation in thoroughly recommending PureVolt to anyone considering solar power.
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John DalyMay 2024
Good value and exceptional serviceIf you're 'still thinking about' investing in solar panels and/or not sure who to go with, look no further than PureVolt Solar: good value and exceptional service from start to finish. And, as a bonus, they're lovely people! They've recently completed an installation for me and I couldn't be happier.
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Pierce KennedyApril 2024
Good price, fast, and high quality.Great service from Purevolt. Good price, fast and high quality install. Couldn’t fault them
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Emily ChurchApril 2024
Would highly recommend Purevolt!I’m so happy we went with Purevolt for our solar panels. Everyone we dealt with was extremely helpful and communication was brilliant, and we never felt like we were being pressured to buy a bigger or more complex system than what we wanted. The install itself was great, the guys arrived on time and were happy to answer all our questions, and did a great job cleaning up after too! Kelly was particularly helpful too with answering my questions and helping with the grant process. Would highly recommend purevolt for anyone considering solar!
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John BaylyApril 2024
The Purevolt team is a credit to the industryThe Purevolt team are a credit to an industry that is getting some bad rep. The initial enquiry was competently returned in an extremely professional and structured format with all equipment details. The visit by Ian was to the agreed minute and all required details taken onboard. The order information submitted by Kelly was very simply followed and all small queries answered very promptly and eloquently. The installation date was the installation date with details given of what turned out to be an exceptionally courteous, engaged and competent installation team who genuinely have pride and enthusiasm for what they do. They also have "dustpans ". I can't recommend the team at purevolt highly enough and am and will further recommend them to my friends and family and colleagues which is the ultimate recommendation I can give anyone. I hope the efforts of the team are appreciated by all levels at PureVolt solar. .
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Phil MooreApril 2024
Very professional and promptPureVolt were very professional and prompt throughout the entire process of getting my solar panels installed. Highly recommend.
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Helen DayFebruary 2024
Everything ran smoothlyFrom the start, Purevolt were very professional and explained everything to us and kept us updated. From the panels being fitted right through to the turning on of the connection everything ran smoothly. What I liked about Purevolt was, when they said they would be here, they were here, no waiting around for them. Also, they were very competitive with their pricing and they didn't try to sell extras that we didn't need. We would have absolutely no problem recommending this company.
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Andrew KellyFebruary 2024
Efficient and communicative - would certainly recommend.
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K O'DDecember 2023
We couldn't be happier with the service and system itselfFrom the initial site inspection with Dan and the emails back and forth with Kelly we couldn't be happier with the service and the system itself. Everything was communicated clearly and all completed in the timeframe given. The work was very neat and done well. I would be happy to recommend PureVolt Solar to anyone.
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Gordon Hamilton-JonesDecember 2023
The time and effort put in was fantasticI would like to give a big thank you to all of the team at PureVolt who were involved in the design and installation of my recently installed solar panel system. The time and effort put in to what was a complicated design, due to my roof layout, was fantastic (Big thanks to Dan). The two installation teams, the panel fitters on the roof, and the electricians who connected in the Inverter, battery and eddi, were also fantastic. On the back end of this, back in their office controlling all the scheduling and admin etc., answering my many questions about many things but specifically the Grants, Kelly was a star. If you are considering a Solar Panel installation, PureVolt are the company you should go to.
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James CurranDecember 2023
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GearoidDecember 2023
Very neat, very well explained, super service.I had a great experience with John & Kelly on the initial quote and planning of the installation. The installation was done over 2 days and was perfect. Very neat, very well explained, super service. I had an issue with my hot water cylinder constantly heating when there was enough power but that was sorted very quickly. I would highly recommend the PureVolt team.
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Brian GDecember 2023
All very seamless. System is working great.I got three quotes for a Solar PV system and decided to go with PureVolt. The quote was in line with the others and they managed to get more KW out of the space available. We got a 4.5kw system in the end. Communication all along was excellent. The system was installed about 5 weeks after we ordered it, and we received our SEAI grant 3 weeks after the BER assessment - all very seamless. System is working great.
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Terry StoreyNovember 2023
Professional, friendly, organised and very tidyThe PureVolt team have been a pleasure to deal with from start to finish. They were professional, friendly, organised and very tidy. We have no hesitation in recommending this company to anyone.
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Paul DoyleNovember 2023
Each member of staff I dealt was fantasticI did a lot of research and spoke to many Solar installers before settling on Purevolt. I found them not only knowledgeable but willing to discuss any concerns and ideas that I had. At no point did I find them trying to oversell what I didn't need. Their prices are very competitive and they show clear indicative examples on their site, which I think is very open. You have a fair idea of what you are getting into with them before even making contact. From the outset, each member of staff I dealt was fantastic. Their site visit was the most thorough of them all. Checking the roof, the attic where I was siting the equipment, the main fuse board and even where the earth was situated in the hotpress. This resulted in no surprises at installation. After sales service has been excellent, including a follow up visit from a technician to go through any queries I had and to verify all had been done correctly. Based on my experience there is nothing I could find fault with the company and I plan to recommend them highly if anyone asks (my first is already talking to them). As to the actual result from the installation, very pleased with the outcome so far. Even at this time of year my bills have been halved and will only improve as I get the system setup to my liking. As a user I get access and control over the system, enabling me to tweak and adjust as I need. You don't have to do this, I just like to :)
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sean meagherNovember 2023
The quality of the install was perfectI would highly recommend the Pure Volt team. Great customer service, very knowledgeable and helpful. The communications from the roofers and electricians during the install were excellent and the installation as a whole was completed on time and the quality of the install was perfect, very neat and tidy. The panels are in 4 months now and are performing even better than expected.
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Barak PearlmutterNovember 2023
10/10, would recommendWe got bids from a bunch of installers, PureVolt was best on all dimensions including price. The install was seamless. 10/10, would recommend.
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Philip LeeOctober 2023
Great workmanship, neat, quick and professional.Great workmanship, neat, quick and professional. 4Kw system is working perfectly and has made 3Kw since March 2023 installation.
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Iska EuropeOctober 2023
Excellent company to deal with from start to finishPureVolt Solar is an excellent company to deal with from start to finish. Following comprehensive discussion, the installation is professional and with minimal disruption. They also see to relevant paperwork, including SEAI grants. Also, our installation was subject to a random check by SEAI, who found every aspect was excellent. John, Westmeath.
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Anthony CondonOctober 2023
Very Good ServiceVery Good Service
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M HSeptember 2023
I was left with a professional and tidy installation.I started making enquiries to Solar installation companies in the autum of 2022. Most companies didnt bother to respond, some did but soon lost interest when they realised I had done my research and didnt want to just go with "what everyone else does" (whatever that means). PureVolt were the ONLY company that bothered to do a site visit and discuss what my requirements were and if they were feasable. Anything that was not possible was worked around with suggestions that were explained to me with no sales pressure to "Sign today for a special discount". As it turned out, they were wone of the more better priced quotes unlike some of the gougers out there. My install date had to be pushed back a few times due to supply issues (everyone wanted solar in Autum 2022), but i was kept well informed by John each time. Not once did i have to chase for an update. The guys who came to do the installation were complete proffesionals! They discussed everything with be before they started. I wanted cables routing in a certan way to a specific place and Ian the electrician explained where he could and could not do what i was asking and provided reasons why. The placement of panels on the roof was a tricky one (which is why many companies went silent upon seeing a photo of the house) but the lads stuck at it and I was left with a professional and tidy installation. (I think i called Ian the electrician "an artist"). After a month or so, I started getting error messages on the inverter. I contacted PureVolt and they raised a ticket with the support team for the inverter. After the support team checking the inverter remotely a few times, PureVolt organised a replacement inverter and came to fit it. I think after sales support is sometimes overlooked by people comparing prices only. Many companies install, take your money and you never hear from them again when there is a problem. I am confident that 9 months on, I could contact PureVolt and receive support. Highly recommended!
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kevin donovanSeptember 2023
I have highly recommend PureVolt to anyoneVery happy. I have highly recommend PureVolt to anyone that enquired about our Solar system.
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Dan CatanaseSeptember 2023
I would choose them again.My system was installed approximately one year ago. My overall experience with PureVolt Solar has been extremely positive. From the initial contact, site survey to customising the technical solution to suit my particular case and needs, I must say they were very responsive to all my questions, prompt in addressing any concerns, quick and tidy installation and great after sales customer experience. If I were to install another system I would choose them again.
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Charles McCarthySeptember 2023
Very neat workVery pleased no messing very neat work no cleaning up afterwards
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Catalin CucuSeptember 2023
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Eamonn EverardSeptember 2023
Good efficient serviceGood efficient service
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Paweł PomianekSeptember 2023
All goodAll good
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Michael FarragherAugust 2023
A pleasure to deal withInstalled 21 panels in Feb 2023 which have operated successfully todate. Their responsiveness and knowledge when compiling the quote to proccessing the paperwork required resulting in a efficient install in 2 days, has resulted in PureVolt Ltd being a pleasure to deal with and who l would return to again.
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Enda DonnellanAugust 2023
Top company.Top company..Any issues are always solved
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Martin TreacyAugust 2023
I can see results alreadyI found pure volt solar to be very professional and great to deal with. I can see results already, very pleased so far.
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Enda and Helene DooleyJuly 2023
...superior to competitors.From the outset our experience with PureVolt has been positive. We had a rapid response to our initial enquiry and the specification and costing was superior to competitors. The estimated time to complete the project was accurate. At all times our queries were answered rapidly. The on-site work was completed within two days and the team left the site tidier than before arrival (not everyone will hoover a tarmacadam drive!). Early days yet but the system is operating to our satisfaction. We would be very happy to work with PureVolt again.
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Seamus MorrisseyJune 2023
Easy to deal with and had great advice, no hard sellTop class from beginning to end, John was easy to deal with and had great advice, no hard sell, roofers and electricians top class and Kelly sorted out the paperwork with great effeciency, highly recommend Purevolt.
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adrian barryJune 2023
PureVolt going the extra mile for my tricky roof!I had a complicated setup and the very quickly found me a good solution and made sure it was at the most competitive price it could be. The installation was done very well, neatly and with PureVolt going the extra mile for my tricky roof!! We've been producing 65% of our electricity from the roof since they installed it and are on track to exceed our savings. I highly recommend them.
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Raymond CarrickJune 2023
PUREVOLT is a great company to work with...PUREVOLT is a great company to work with from first contacting them. I found their website has great information and worth going through before you decide what system you want. Very happy with the price. They did everything, except I needed to set up information for SEAI about the grant which the customer must do themselves. Had panels installed less than 2 months after first contacting them and everything was installed in one day.
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Darren McJune 2023
...can't compliment them enoughEverything went perfect from the work that was done on roof so tidy and neat can’t see cable all secured perfectly, to the electricians Tadhg and Jessica I can’t compliment them enough there work is first class nice neat, on wall ran cable down along the stud work cleaned up after themselves,a world of information went through everything all questions answered great information and told we’re only a phone call away if any problems, and kelly with all information and forms filled ahead of time Esb forms sent in ,ran very smoothly cant praise the lads enough thanks Purvolt
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Daniel FitzgeraldJune 2023
Highly Recommend.Excellent service and personnel from start to finish. Highly recommend.
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Rob ByrneJune 2023
Great service... and total professionals!Can’t recommend PureVolt highly enough. Great service from start to finish and total professionals! Delighted with my new Solar install.
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Michael JamisonJune 2023
Would highly recommend them.Ian, Kelly and the team in pure volt were excellent from start to finish. Very professional company. Any questions I had they got back to me straight away. The work of installing the solar panel system is neat and tidy. would highly recommend them. I will definitely be back to them if I need to add anything else to the system.
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Karen HammondApril 2023
Excellent workmanship and neat installationPurevolt were excellent to deal with from the quote all the way through to the installation. Extremely professional, excellent workmanship and neat installation. Purevolt completed all the paperwork for grants as soon as the installation was complete. Highly recommend them!
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Manish KheterpalApril 2023
Professional from start to finishGood planning and professional from start to finish.
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Ken CooganApril 2023
Professional InstallPleasure to deal with and professional install.
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Mathies Eduard RasmussenApril 2023
...installed just the way we wanted itWe had our solar & battery system installed by PureVolt in April 2023. Very short lead in time of just 13 days from booking to install for us. They were able to accomodate all of our requests, and everything was installed just the way we wanted it.
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Bryan ScullyApril 2023
We are delighted we proceeded with PureVoltCould not speak more highly for PureVolt . From start to finish, it was excellent and stress free. Very competitively priced and provided good, honest advice without trying to sell anything which wasn't needed. The PV system was installed on time and tidy by a very professional team to which they answered any queries we had regarding the installation. The PV panels themselves are performing brilliantly so far. We are delighted we proceeded with PureVolt and would highly recommend them.
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John KilroyApril 2023
...delighted with the resultsDelighted with service from beginning to end in dealing with Purevolt solar. They were very competitively priced, had an incredibly fast turnaround time and fitted top quality equipment. I found John very straight talking and honest in his appraisal of the systems and options available - he is an electrician by trade and has worked in solar for years - he is not a salesman just interested in maximising sales and felt he was genuinely interested in providing the best system to suit our needs. The standard of work carried out by the installers was excellent and the electrician Daniel has a real pride in his work and helped me understand the system and the apps to monitor/ control. We now have solar panels installed and are delighted with the results whereby we can monitor our live solar generation and adjust our usage accordingly and heat our water (using my eddi) and sell the excess electricity back to the grid. As well as going green we are seeing a significant drop in our electricity bills so its a Win Win!
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Adrian InsleyMarch 2023
Great serviceGreat service. Great support from all PureVolt staff. Would highly recommended this company.
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Stefan BinkFebruary 2023
A pleasure to deal withOnce I decided to go with solar panels- the competence, professionalism and delivery of project was top class. The technician that put panels on roof, and the electrical technician that put in the battery and electric press and connected all to house fuse box, were very knowledgeable, experienced and a pleasure to deal with. From the initial contact with the Project Manager to the final installation- the full journey was well explained and I was confident and assured that the installation was delivered to the highest standard.
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Martha SFebruary 2023 grateful to have found PurevoltMy husband and I can't provide enough superlative praise to John and his team. We had a system of ten photovoltaic panels installed on our roof this past autumn and found the entire experience a very positive one, from Kelly overseeing logistics from the office to our installation team, who didn't leave until they were certain that all of our questions had been answered. We thought long and hard about the initial expense of installing such a system, but we have absolutely no regrets and have found the panels to be producing at a level in excess of our expectations. To do something good for the environment and our grandchildren, as well as something that has already begun to reap financial benefits is a win win. We are so grateful to have found Purevolt.
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John HudsonJanuary 2023
I'm delighted with PureVoltOnce you have managed to make contact and get a quote (which, as with other solar installers, can take some time) the installation and service from PureVolt was excellent. Very competitively priced and gave good, honest advice without trying to sell anything which I didn't need. The solar panels were installed on time by very professional and friendly roofers and electrician who answered any questions regarding the installation. Following the installation SEAI inspected the works and found nothing to be concerned about. PureVolt's John Egan attended the inspection to in order that he could rectify any problems should they arise. For the first couple of days after the installation I had some minor issues with the inverter app which PureVolt resolved by liaising with the inverter manufacturer. I'm delighted with PureVolt and I highly recommend them.
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Tim HynesNovember 2022
Highly recommendOnce I decided to go with solar panels- the competence, professionalism and delivery of project was top class. The technician that put panels on roof, and the electrical technician that put in the battery and electric press and connected all to house fuse box, were very knowledgeable, experienced and a pleasure to deal with. From the initial contact with the Project Manager to the final installation- the full journey was well explained and I was confident and assured that the installation was delivered to the highest standard.
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Alan DeacyNovember 2022
Extremely happy with the serviceEnquired about a new PV system. John phoned me back shortly after my enquiry and went into great detail about the different systems and tailored one that would suit my needs. I received a very competitive price. Extremely happy with the service this company provided. Very professional and knowledgeable in the solar industry.
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Aidan BerginNovember 2022
Would highly recommend this companyWould highly recommend this company for your solar installation, efficient, tidy and the lads keep you well informed as the installation proceeds.
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